Pse Hollywood-i çmend yjet e vegjël të kinemasë?

Përgjatë viteve ka pasur shumë fëmijë të famshëm në botën e spektaklit të cilët e kanë pasur të vështirë të rriten normalisht. Përmendim këtu Lindsay Lohan, Macaulay Culkin apo Amanda Bynes.Maya Wilson, tashmë 25-vjeçare, ka treguar pse yjet e vegjël të botës së spektaklit hyjnë gjithmonë në rrugë të gabuara. Duke shkruar për, ish-aktorja e cila ka debutuar në kinematografi në filmin Mrs. Doubt fire, liston disa nga arsyet pse “shumë fëmijë të famshëm humbin toruan nga Hollivudi”. “Prindërit nuk i ndihmojnë sepse prindërit nuk mund t’i ndihmojnë. Nuk e ke më nën kontroll një fëmijë që është bërë i famshëm. Gjithashtu, në sheshxhirime, duke qenë fëmijë, të gjithë anëtarët e stafit të bëjnë dhurata dhe llastohesh vetvetiu”, shkruan Maya. Një arsye tjetër sipas saj janë paratë në sasi të mëdha: “Kur je fëmijë-aktor ke para’, por nuk mund të marrësh vendime për jetën tënde dhe në këtë mënyrë, pasi rritesh, nis një rebelim ndaj botës.”

This is the joke of the year crazy


types of thieves





90% e Njerezve lën duhanin pas shikimit të kësaj Videoj-e

brother came with female


Çmendet Genta pasi 1 djale ja prek vithet. . .Ja si reagon…”VIDEO”

UNIC as to know all her lines perfectly and sweet voice. Was holding a concert and performing when I was very close to her crazy fans and many of the fans that were present in the first row tried to touch but managed only one who touched Gentes behinds. She reacted immediately in order to lightning, which can okni rain in the pos djon vi.

Video “Bear climbs tree after a man in” hit on YouTube

Video “Bear climbs tree after a man in” was posted on YouTube in 2011, but it became popular only in May 2013. What have watched almost half a million people. Circumstances videos are really strange. What is this gold climb a tree after a man? Why target operator directs the camera from a warehouse of old televisions and radios and then focuses a white rabbit, which “preserves” the old Soviet cars that are in the nearby area? Answers to these questions are not in the video, which makes cadres filmed entirely surreal look. “A typical day in Russia, there is nothing to see here, move your way to where you started …” – make fun of YouTube users in the comments on the video.

Women’s logic

Meanwhile in Africa

Professors pass on your case!

Evolution of rap music

Elhaidas interview as winner: Fortunately s'rëndoi Albanian nationality

After the triumph in "The Voice of Italy", 19-year-old has given an interview to "Sorrisi of Canzoni." Incredibly excited and enthusiastic Elhaida Dan, the first winner of "The Voice of Italy". Just a few minutes after the marriage, she appeared with a face expression, between happiness and surprise. "I'm very happy, yes pulse. This is an indescribable feeling!" Continues to repeat the 19-year-old originally from Albania, which has given an interview to "Sorrisi of Canzoni". What sense is as foreign to be the winner of a "talent-show" Italian? Seminaries It is amazing! I was afraid that my nation will penalize me somewhat, but I believe that the spirit triumphed program that puts voice first of all. I believe that art should go beyond identity card or passport. Italians who voted failed to understand this. I, however, I grew up with Italian music. My mother taught me this little language. Then, I'm already a pontineze, because I live in Formia (Italy town). Why did you choose not to participate in the Albanian edition of "The Voice"? I wanted, but since I won TopFest, a festival of modern music, it was not possible, because in my country was known. It was the merit of some of my friends in the format that I managed to come in "The Voice of Italy". I had looked at a festival in Romania, where a friendship and pushed me to try. They gave me all the support and assistance, for which I needed. Without them I would have not arisen. In the past I tried to attend the "Amici", but directly eliminated. However I do not blame anyone. Perhaps, the song which was introduced it was not up to the mark. In the final were the only showcase a new song in English. Why? Just because we did not have time to find a teks Italian song composed by maestro Cocciante. But we are working on this and the disc will have a version in Italian. During the show, your coach said that can sing all kinds of, but that you yourself feel better? I have a weakness for Beyonce, but like all beautiful music. I do not make exceptions. A short time ago were expressed that the "Margherita" is the most beautiful song of history. How did you feel that the Coccianten did you sing? The indescribable! In Albania are grown with this song. We all know and climbing on stage to sing with Coccianten was a distraction. It was the most beautiful moment of the night. Who knows how many times I watched them sing on TV, or on Youtube! I was really honored to have his support made all this journey in "The Voice". Made me understand many things and how important music is always to be able to transmit emotions to the public. I feel really honored that I was a coach of his level. In fact, when you understand that you had won? Why, I really win?! .. I'm kidding, but believe me, just as Fabio said E. .. I realized that it was me and I started to cry! I have not yet recovered from this dream that I experienced.

Daily Horoscope, May 30, 2013

Aries If you see that the couple relationship is not as you walk you thought, you do your best to win back the heart that you have in the side. Planet Uranus will be that they will support the most. Even single women thanks to assistance that will reach the planets have awaited meeting. We plan will stabilize the financial situation significantly and it will be a long term situation.  Taurus There are very likely to face some disappointments during this day in your life in couple. Partner will neglect to the cost and the more important friends or colleagues. Single women still need to do a bit of patience if you want to find the appropriate person. With finances will have luck. Start debts and then remove some money aside.  Twins Sector love will be eligible at all times and you will be the first to benefit from this will change the situation. Even those who have had major disagreements will feel more relaxed. Single stream will remain the same as before and will continue to be in pursuit. To finance the day will be more favorable. The investment will also carry the thought.  Crab Life in the couple will be generally quiet during the day. There is neither expected nor problems of great odds so do not worry. Single women will be able to adventure koleksionojnë majority, while the great love he will still have to wait. With finances are not expected problems and difficulties, however advise stars more carefully.  Leo Your relationship with your partner will deepen even more today. Will talk openly about everything and will select all of the disputes that have been used. To date single women will be more beautiful and more excitement than before. Some may even belong to their blue prince. Finances will not differ from the first few days so keep tregoheni measure.  Virgo If you dispute përballuni partner with them and discuss, not avoid. This courageous behavior will help to quickly find the s ame appropriate solutions. Single fortunate not to have serious meetings, but will not even bother. Friends will stay close to them and will bring joy. In the financial plan will invest in profitable areas and soon will have significant improvements.  Libra With partner you need to be more patient and careful today. He will not be in a very good mood and moment by moment we can start debates. Single will be privileged and will miklohen by numerous people. Use the opportunity to find the most suitable. Do not be discouraged if the financial plan and budget weakened slightly.  Scorpio Day quite animated and exciting one today for couples. There will have to divergence with each other and talk openly with your partner. Single women should not get upset if you do not immediately find the ideal person. Make patience and soon your life will change. We will not have a financial plan with no small problem. Perform the necessary expenses.  Sagittarius Will have many misunderstandings with your partner today and could not get to Ensure to explain. The atmosphere will be generally delicate and tense. Single women will be shown with open and enjoyable adventures begin. Not only will you feel. Do not pretend to have immediate improvements in monetary terms, but little by little try to remove some money aside.  Capricorn Life in the couple will not be affected at all by the stars during the day. Everything will go as you have thought, so as to overcome Use. Single women will know better what steps to throw in order to feel much better. It is not said that they immediately begin a serious romance. In financial planning options to improve the situation would be better.  Aquarius Stellar environment will be very suitable for lovers. Will you cooperate with tolerant and everything for your partner. Prepare to get even a proposal. Single women will have the opportunity to meet not only the future, but we will be up to them whether or not benefit from them. We need a financial plan to take draconian measures to come.  Pisces After numerous fights that you had in your sentimental life, I will begin to explain them one by one and think about the future. Single women will rely heavily on Venus and is likely to find the right person sending his environment in which a go. We will carry out financial transactions plan to important given that the situation will be quite favorable.

Fast and Furious 6 Me Titra Shqip Full HD

Oops, Shpendi "fton" Elonën në shtrat...

As Elona discusses approaches with their Shpend near the Anaidi.Shpendi throw an idea last night to all residents of bedfellows. Supports his idea Anaidi, but opposes Elona. Illyria Anaidi jokes that will not sleep with him, but only he, bird and Elona. Elona so categorically refuses saying that can take the blanket and sleep somewhere else that's not a problem and ask if there are guys that are busy talking and beers. Elona said that should give a trophy that has stayed with three guys who are not in order.

A confused Male ket SMS does not understand ...

only one male without school does not understand what this picture says a boy a girl picture carefully read and kupttojne and they would not have understood that. The girl says why do not you turn sms? says the boy was lost celi send sms with what he? :D

Dafina Zeqiri frenzy Albania Apartment 2XL! (VIDEO)

Harlem shake of a bride and groom with guests

Fansi PreK prapanicën and Beyonces (Video)

During the performance of Beyonce Knowles at a concert in Copenhagen, the singer has run across the stage and fans were approaching. This has the advantage of one of them by hitting ass superstar. Beyonce has threatened that he would call security and bring it out, but then continued singing.

The dog comes onto the court interrupted Game (VIDEO)

Here's who the 10 most powerful mafia groups in the world! (Video)

the child came out of hospital

Arian Cani after talking to his mocking videos

From a week on Youtube and almost all social networks circulating a video journalist with the title Free Zone, "Arian Cani from Free Zone falls uncomfortable with the journalist." Video begins with the words that this is the shortest interviews ever made and then see the humor actor, Blerim Peci who after making a description of the Can professional life as a journalist and as it launches the interview will reveal the secret of success the Free Zone, directs the sentence "Mr. Arjan Cani Thanks for finding the time for us", while Cani responds "Thank you that you came" and then there appears to be no interview, only cameras that show a greeting and group shooting outgoing. In the video, said that this video is specially made Cani after he repeatedly refused to give Verdant interview on the grounds that there is no time. In this way, according to the production of this show is Blerim is saying avenge hereby video display that even he has no time to spare for interviews. This video is commenting more on all networks that has emerged and have been numerous comments. There have been those who have called montage and the moderator of the Free Zone has become self-publicity and it is in his nature to make such jokes. So far the video has reached a viewership of more than 163 thousand clicks, while television is broadcast in Kosovo RTK. But this story has two sides of the coin, on the one hand it is launched from the original checkpoint and turn itself Arian Cani who claims to Albanian newspaper, he gave an interview but she is removed. Even Cani said with wonder, "why is not evident that montage?". Video being transmitted and is circulating everywhere montage. RTK journalist came and took me and the interview circulating on YouTube and social networks is mounted. My interview is removed. "Why is not clear that montage?" Cani said while asking for reasons why it has become so Blerim Peci, Cani said: "His sister was my friend recently. I made for my sister out of jealousy because I see no other reason. " While the inventor of this viedoje we could only learn that it was a joke to Çani journalist.

Illness forces Albano's "Apartment 2XL" leave the scene

All may have noticed the absence of Albano Bogdo actor in show-n "2XL apartment", which airs every Sunday on the screen of "Vision Plus". These days many of his fans have written on social networks, and many of them concerned have commented on the "Apartment 2XL" and throwing doubts that Albano is eventually removed from the show. And three weeks after its Albano responded to them through this status: "Then, I will not run away and never go out" 2XL "(thank God they have neither removed, hahaha). I just had some minor health problems, now leave ... Some media have confirmed that actor pink is stabilized with health and that very soon will be back with his mot on the screen. / Eng-observer.

eye’s never going satisfy

corleone vali sends to custom girlfriends

This is the joke of the year crazy

Rike: You Confess To Elonën, interventions, and True name

The only one final step away from the "Big Brother", Rike arrived Sunday in studio "Fan Club Albania", to show all that happened in the most famous house in Albania in its view and to answer questions public. Friendship with Elonën - Inside the house, Rike formed a very close friendship with one of the competitors. "It is a very brave girl, no more strength. This is because such a life has become. However, Elona is reluctant to talk about her personal things and also I spoke very little. She has written something for her family, and I said that I have come to master life itself, I worked at a young age and I'm so brave and courageous. "Plastic Intervention -" I am 100% natural. I have not done any plastic surgery ever in my life, "said Rike, denying rumors of intervention tilla.Shpjegimi name - unusual name has aroused more curiosity Rica. "This is my grandmother's name and the name of God comes from the Star in antiquity. However, my grandmother and I called the passport NiFe. Rike is a pseudonym, but everyone call me so. Besides the name, the grandmother took the pseudonym "explained competitors.

Video exciting, if everyone behaved so (VIDEO)

Among adolescents in Cërrik hassle, dies 15 - year-old after collision with knife

A quarrel between adolescent life has taken a young 14 - year old. The incident happened in the city of Cërrik. Author EF, 14, is stabbed 15 - year-old, even causing death. Not yet known reasons why young people are conflicted. The event took place at a local school near a 9 - year. Police arrived at the scene and arrested the perpetrator.

Here was captured British soldier killer ..

British soldier’s murder shocked the entire world to London for the way he was executed and published in all media world. I smell an amateur has captured the entire scene of the murder of the perpetrator. British soldier’s murder shocked the entire world to London for the way he was executed and published in all media world. I smell an amateur has captured the entire scene of the murder of the perpetrator.With rain positions may okni vi djon capture the moments and firing the weapon to the killer of British soldier

The most righteous surfer girl gallery brah!

Vali Corleone Mbulon me para Genten e Big Brother Albania..

s always wants to appear in public, and this time found a way quite different from the other rows covering the front Genten of Big Brother. As said by Genta positions itself like adventures and different for Valin says we are simply friends. As said by Genta positions itself like adventures and different for Valin says we are simply friends.As said by Genta positions itself like adventures and different for Valin says we are simply friendsHow many friends are going to prove this time…

The logic of women

Ermal Mamaci tallet me kryeministrin (VIDEO)


The BBA Mirieta Shared by her husband, reason?

On 19 August last year, Mirjeta Bajramaj, which became known as competing in the “Big Brother 4?, Ending celibacy in marriage being associated with Fejzullahu source, a guy who was Kosovo and its chief, there where Mirjeta work. “With jobs being moved forward better everyday, I have a work to be admired, well paid and at the same time travel.

Here are 10 Albanians who were most

Based on proven real in the National Registration Centre has made ​​a classification of the richest people in our country.NRC’s list of leading Zamir Mane, who appears to be a participant in a number of businesses in Albania.Below are you make available a list to have more accurate information about these people.

Rike: You confess to Elonën, interventions, and real name

The only one final step away from the "Big Brother", Rike arrived Sunday in studio "Fan Club Albania", to show all that happened in the most famous house in Albania in its view and to answer questions publikut.Miqësia with Elonën - Inside the house, Rike formed a very close friendship with one of the competitors. "It is a very brave girl, no more strength. This is because such a life has become. However, Elona is reluctant to talk about her personal things and also I spoke very little. She has written something for her family, and I said that I have come to master life itself, I worked at a young age and I'm so brave and courageous. " Plastic interference - "I am 100% natural. I have not done any plastic surgery ever in my life, "said Rike, denying rumors of such interventions. Explanation of the name - unusual name has aroused more curiosity Rica. "This is my grandmother's name and the name of God comes from the Star in antiquity. However, my grandmother and I called the passport NiFe. Rike is a pseudonym, but everyone call me so. Besides the name, the grandmother took the pseudonym "explained competitors.

Geti, ky sinonim in hip Hopi

He is one of those who started this genre, it has grown and developed to what it is today. If you want a synonym for hip hop, it is so. If you want to identify hip hop in the Balkans, he is the ideal man for this.
Interview: Arnolld nica
Getoar Aegis, 3nt sound team member and one of the key figures of the hip hop 'labeli' recently hit Babastars powerful Albanian music scene. After the super successful album "The Great N'Ven Ma", such as the Getty returned with the new image within Babastars. Despite numerous commitments with concerts and new projects in the studio, he admitted that in some questions to përgigjet exclusively Telegraph.
Telegraph: Babastars, a highly successful brand that has long since been launched. Besides songs and extensive production as 'label', you have advanced in the sale of clothing with your logo made ​​many sold across the Albanian territories. How do you comment on this?
Getty: Babastars is a factory shoubizit our standards and we are trying to bring new breath to shoubizit, a way to work with cutting edge practice in the future to have some other company Babastars that may affect the growth level. This also applies to shirts or other items are sold as a product of ours. There was a test that resulted in our success. Thanks to this now and other artists have their products.

Telegraph: Are you Babastars boss or leader, because many times you are referred to as such?
Getty: Probably should have asked before you just call me ... I'm in Babastars directors and shareholders are some "Jena us Bossa" Seminaries It is the name of the new song Babastars to be released a little later ...

Telegraph: Who and who are part of Babastars?
Getty: Babastars can be whoever wishes. Artists who are currently in the 'label' which are known and can be entry and exit, but with this little part I deal ...

Telegraph: The new song "Yes T'Shoh Dimensions" has broken the record viewership on YouTube in the near future. How satisfied are you with this song?
Getty: Successes of our songs have always been clicks, concerts in showbiz and music scene in general. But this was a special song, which was launched at the right time and without doubt that this success is expected.

Telegraph: Rivals have used social networks to launch attacks after the song "Yes T'Shoh Dimensions". After all these reactions can say that this song is a 'diss' or is the message to someone?
Getty: I said before that I have deeds not words. Sound 3nt is a group that is present in the music scene since 1997. So far we have had a lot of hits songs and have never had a diss song or a specific purpose and can not believe that someone would have that privilege.
Telegraph: How do you see the hip hop scene after the Albanian 'old school' in the 'new school'. In your opinion, do we increase the quality?
Getty: Always go with time things, Had not it always have to adapt. Each time has its best. Blessed are those who have experienced all these times ... haha kidding. (laughs)

Telegraph: Are you working on new projects, do you find any of them for your fans?
Getty: We are constantly working on new projects, some of the songs are finished Babastars while others are expected to be completed after the recent work also have individual projects that are expected to emerge soon Skivi such as the new song "The Since I know M'Don "Cozman and Tuna, TDS album and a new song from his Geasy I like Ghetto.

Telegraph: Are you engaged during the summer in concerts and what are your destinations?
Getty: Commitments are part of our life and work. In this work we have the first and last. Are always present in areas where Albanians - Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, etc..

Telegraph: Thank you for finding the time to answer our questions. You want the other major successes in the future.
Getty: Thank you and good luck also.

/ Telegraph /

Black spots on the nose and on his face, how to delete

The black spots on the face are a common problem for many women and girls. Found in various skin and not only in those with fat. To facilitate their elimination should be done continuously treatments. Purity daily, especially the removal of make up, reduces the likelihood of their occurrence, mainly because the black spots on the nose break. Every day should wash your face, apply tonic and moisturizing creams further. Caution with use of cream powder, after adding their influences. A natural cure for missing the point that you barely make qukalashe is through apple. Wait two apple slices, pour two tablespoons of yogurt and mix as a compote. Expand this measure in areas with black spots by slightly pressing with fingers. Leave for 5 minutes and then operate with little cotton dyed with lemon juice cleanse these areas. Once it is cleaned of all set to face masks, as well rinse with plenty of water and cool.