Found pictures of Laura Vorpsi unknown, like weapons of messages about sex (PHOTO)

It may be called the beautiful beast in this case, if we refer to pictures you see. "Bad Girl Laura is in the town" is already aggressive Photo captions sensual Democratic Party spokeswoman, Laura Vorpsi. After pictures of her on the beach, shortly after she was named spokesperson of PD, there come into circulation where Laura other photo shows her wild side this time, and "hard" in the way presented as also the residence of her sex. In addition to holding the pistol belt and denim pants she is wearing a shirt on which is written "I want your sex, I want you" (I want your sex, love you), revealing a completely different girl from what we are used to seeing in politics and serious suit away taboos about sex. Photos appear to have been realized in a multistory building in Tirana terrace, from where Laura poses to demonstrate loose like Angelina Jolie in movie full of fantasy adventure "Tomb Raider". Publication of pictures on the beach a few months ago, where she appeared in swimsuit, became the spoilers by Laura persons, with the intention to harm her image, at the very moment that she impressed the audience as the new face of the Democratic Party podium in conveying strong political statements. While it is not known what will be the reaction of Vorpsi for these photos, which can be considered and acting by it, to try a different adrenaline, although he never attempted to enter the world's showbizz.