Aferdita will bring the Arian Cani Di Caprio

Just a few days ago launched in one of the bars of Tirana clip of her singing on the new, titled "Super Star".
We mean the Untitled, which is at the peak of his career. But if anything in this field goes to marvel, not the case with her ​​private life. Venus continues to be single, at least as far as we know. After the story still follows the pictures published on the balcony with Leonardo Di Caprio. There were just these photos and comments that followed later that separated from her husband, Dragonforce.

While the slope is passed into oblivion, DiCaprio curiosity remains, the more that Venus has not yet broken its silence to the media.
The last guest on the final night of "free zone", the Arian Cani, it does not depart from the familiar question moderator. With very calm, Venus said it is normal to be associated with such famous names showbizit, as her career has built in America. But did not only there. It Cani said: "Will Leo DiCaprio to bring in your program?"