Alma shared Splendour of "BB4", revealed the reasons!

Brightness confesses: We had divergence, not keep anger and wrath for the sake of 8-month-old daughter.The relationship began in secret, until decided to declare engagement in January last year. Alma CIMI from Vlora and Shkodra are known couple that was created inside the house of "Big Brother" two years ago, but now they're no longer together. Eight months after birth of their daughter Giulia Eden in Italy, they take the decision to discontinue the relationship further. Whoever confesses sharing happened a few weeks ago is CIMI, which shows the reasons why cohabitation between them did not work, why not celebrated relationship, who is taking care of her daughter, and both are experiencing the end of a passionate love affair CIMI say that your relationship with Alma is over. How true is it? Yes, it's true. In fact, recently spoke also that connection is not functioning properly. When you took the decision to split eventually? There are a few weeks apart. It is true that for some time our relationship unfortunately no longer function as before and has already finished. Always had to guess the exact start your connection, which took place some time in secret from you both. Can you tell us how long? We got out of "Big Brother" in April 2011 and are connected, say by the end of August or September of 2011. Any quarrel occurred because of jealousy or something else? What can we discover the cause that brought division? Jealous, no. I can say that the problems were related to the relationship a couple different meanings for each of us lives, divergence, which showed in their essence can not continue on this link. How would you describe the time that ye together, because you already are parents of your daughter and eight months? Like any relationship, had its beautiful moments and its gray days. But coming to be no doubt that the girl was the most beautiful moment for both, for everyone who becomes a parent, especially for the first time. Proving a completely different sensation, the pajetuar ago and mixed with a clear sense of responsibility for the future. You have done celebration, then will turn to the Court with a claim for divorce? No, we do not yet celebration. Why? The anticipated the respect that it does not go as needed or simply negligence on your part? Do not link celebrated the fact that the parandieja its end, but there was not really a possibility to do so, more so for me celebration remains just a legal formality. Even girls quickly came to life, by shifting our attention from such procedures. Now hold grudge with each other or communicate for the sake of the girl? Anger and resentment, no. Keep in touch with each other. We have something that motivates us to such a request and the girl, who, despite the resolution that we have done, needs to understand that there are two parents who love him. And when it comes to separation, and of course that has to hurt. The pain you have experienced? Neither you will not believe me to say that this is the end of the world happened. But again there is no separation without pain, if you accept that there was an affair. For my part, no doubt that such a feeling has been and continues to experience yet. But Alma is suffering separation, the meetings do you have left to understand something about her experience? It would be better that this question straight to Alma. And now that s'jeni together, can give any comment on Alma? Asked to comment on Alma will respond to that is a personal matter, the pros and cons of having anyone. It is known that you are known in a "reality show" like "Big Brother". Thinks that the links created in such a program are destined to end up like this? I do not think the end of this relationship stems from the fact that we are recognized in a "reality show". To be even more precise, both for as long as we were inside the house, we were seeing themselves to each other at all the positives and make a spectacle, or presented out a link. Relations have been following the show, further recognizing that gradually led us into a love affair. And when you talk about real feelings, what prevented you to overcome differences? While feeling was strong and sincere among us, there are a number of other factors, as often happens in the Albanian reality that led to the further functioning of this connection. To create a family love is not enough, it takes a lot more than that. But now how will continue your life, what jobs are engaged and will manage the proceeds of the girl? How will you continue? My life has long occupation continues with daily. While undoubtedly daughter as any parent trying to fulfill my obligations, that it grows healthy. As for us, both in Italy live in those places that we had before, be doing what we had, meeting frequently, by calling and talking to the girl's health and education. So Alma is in Foggia, where her family shop. She lived there because the girl was still small and there was support her mother, while little girls grow. While I live in Rome, where I work as a chef and restaurant manager. The coexistence disappointed, will try again? After each disappointment, has a renaissance. It is important to get up and walk again.