Ermal Merdani me te dashur te re?

Zbulohet e dashura e re e Ermal Merdanit

Lidhjes me Franceska Jacen e "Big Brother" i erdhi fundi pak kohe pas daljes nga ky reality-show, ndersa prej asak kohe Ermal Merdani, djaloshi simpatik i shpallur "Mister Albania", ka qene single.

Ne kemi "hetuar" ne profilin e tij ne Facebook dhe kemi pare shoqerimin e tij me nje vajze simpatike, e cila quhet Eriselda dhe eshte juriste. Ne profilet e te dyve ne rrjetet sociale gjen foto me njeri-tjetrin, te shoqeruar me statuse "feeling happy" (ndihemi te lumtur). Keshtu me te drejte lind pyetja: A eshte kjo e dashura e re e Ermalit, djaloshit ambicioz, i angazhuar gjate kesaj kohe si kryetar i Forumit Rinor te Partise Demokristiane? Besojme se po! Te pakten, Franci nuk do te ndihet keq, sepse Eriselda qenka shume seksi! /revista paloma/

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[[ translation by google: 
Unveiled the new girlfriend of Ermal Merdani

Franceska connection with Jace's "Big Brother" came to an end shortly after the release from this reality-show, while Ermal Merdani time of KAA, charming boy declared "Mister Albania", was single. We have "investigated" the his Facebook profile and we have seen his escort with a charming girl, who is called Eriselda and lawyers. In the two profiles the social networks finds photos with each other, accompanied with statuses "feeling happy" (feel happy). So the right question arises: Is this the new girlfriend of meda, ambitious boy, committed during this time as chairman of the Democratic Party Youth Forum? We believe they is! At least, Franci will not feel bad, because it looks Eriselda sexy! / magazines paloma / ]]