Husband dies, six women raped by his

A businessman has died after being raped by his six wives. The event took place in a town in Nigeria, where Onoja Uroko businessman, married with six women and lived in Ogbadibo. After he returned from work one afternoon in the apartment at 3 PM, he sought to extend the room where the woman lived on the young. But it seems that other women in the house were jealous that he preferred to cloud over as "Nigeria's Daily Post", they plan a plan. 'The five entered the room of the new bride and armed with knives and ropes asked him to have sex with each of them, at least one time', writes "Nigeria's Daily Post." Battle of sex with wife initially launched on the young. Onoja but could not get his breath when the fifth woman came to his bedside. "Stopped breathing heavy and I to him, but they began to laugh fifth. When they saw that the issue was serious, ran into the woods and saw me, "says the young women. Okpe Odoh, the village's mayor said he reported the incident to the police. According to him, the police threw suspicion of money to women businessman, who fled into the forest, once Onoja died. Police on Tuesday of the event happened is looking for women rapist.